Marx and Morgan at 200: Reassessing Socialist Feminism and the Intersections of Gender and Class for Today
Monday, November 5th 3.30pm-5.30pm
Humanities Center Conference Room D
Rush Rhees Library
755 Library Road, Rochester
The 200th anniversary of the birth of both Lewis Henry Morgan and Karl Marx furnishes an opportunity to reassess the legacy of their anthropological and theoretical work on gender and the family. Many socialist-feminists critically appropriated their work in the 1970s and 1980s, but what relevance does this work have for the twenty-first century? This presentation will take a critical look at Morgan and Marx’s works on gender and the family as well as that of Friedrich Engels and later socialist feminists in order to identify potentially useful tools for understanding gender relations in the contemporary world.
Heather A. Brown is an Assistant Professor at Westfield State University (Massachusetts) and is the author of Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study.
Discussant: Joel Burges, University of Rochester (English and Visual & Cultural Studies)